
1. The Techniques of Strangeness (Yale University Press, 1971; Japanese translation, 1981)

2. The Idea of Biblical Poetry (Yale University Press, 1981; second edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998)

3. Early Biblical Interpretation (with Rowan Greer; Westminster Press, 1986)

4. In Potiphar’s House: the Interpretive Life of Biblical Texts in Early Judaism and Christianity ) HarperCollins, 1990; paperback edition, Harvard University Press, 1994; Russian translation Вдоме Потифара, 2009).

5. On Being a Jew (Harper-Collins, 1990; paperback edition, Johns Hopkins University Press, 1998); Russian translation Как Быть Евреем, 2009.

6. The Bible As It Was (Harvard University Press, 1997); Korean translation 2003.

7. Traditions of the Bible: A Guide to the Bible as it Was at the Start of the Common Era (Harvard University Press, 1998)

8. Great Poems of the Bible (The Free Press, 1999)

9. The God of Old: Inside the Lost World of the Bible (The Free Press, 2003)

10. The Ladder of Jacob: Ancient Interpretations of the Biblical Story of Jacob and His Children (Princeton University Press, 2006)

11. How to Read the Bible: a Guide to Scripture, Then and Now (Free Press, 2007); French translation La Bible expliquée à mes contemporains (Bayard, 2010); Korean translation, 2011.

12. In the Valley of the Shadow: On the Foundations of Religious Belief (Free Press, 2011)

13. A Walk through Jubilees: Studies in the Book of Jubilees and the World of its Creation (Supplements to the Journal for the Study of Judaism 156) (Leiden: Brill, 2012)

14. The Kingly Sanctuary: An Exploration of Some Underlying Principles of Judaism, for a Jewish Student who has Become Disillusioned (Amazon Books, 2013).

15. ביתו של פוטיפר: פרשנות המקרא לפני חז”ל (גירסה מעודכנת של מס’ 4 למעעלה, עם שבעה פרקים נוספים בנושא הפרשנות הקרדומה); מוסד ביאליק, 2015

16. Divine Encounters: In Search of the Reality of God in Biblical Times (Boston: Houghton Mifflin-Harcourt Books, 2015)

17. The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: Translation and Commentary (Hermeneia) (Minneapolis MN: Fortress Press, forthcoming)

18. The Assemblyman and Other Poems (Amazon Books, forthcoming)

Books Edited

1. Poetry and Prophecy (Cornell University Press, 1990)

2. Studies in Ancient Midrash (Harvard University Press, 2001)

3. Shem in the Tents of Eber: Studies on the Interaction of Hellenism and Judaism (Leiden: Brill, 2002)

4. Prayers That Cite Scripture (Center for Jewish Studies; Harvard University Press, 2006)

5. (with Lawrence Schiffman and Louis Feldman), Outside the Bible: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (Jewish Publication Society, Philadelphia;, 2013)


1. “Some Medieval and Renaissance Writings on the Poetry of the Bible” in I. Twersky, Studies in Medieval Jewish History and Literature (Harvard University Press, 1979), 57-81

2. “Adverbial Kî Tôb” Journal of Biblical Literature 99 (1980), 433-36

3. “On All of Hebrew Poetry” Prooftexts 2 (1982), 209-21

4. “Is There But One Song?” Biblica 63 (1982), 329-350
בין שיר לשירה במכילתא דר”י in: Proceedings of the Eighth World Congress of Jewish Studies (Jerusalem, 1982), 141-44

5-6. “On the Bible and Literary Criticism” Prooftexts 1 (1982), 217-36; discussion, Prooftexts 3 (1983), 323-32

7.“The Influence of Moses ibn Habib’s Darkhei No‘am” B. D. Cooperman, Jewish Thought in the Sixteenth Century (Harvard University Press, 1983) 308-325

8. “‘The Bible as Literature’ in Late Antiquity and the Middle Ages” HSL: Hebrew University Studies in Literature 11 (1983), 20-70

9. “Two Introductions to Midrash” Prooftexts 3 (1983); reprinted in G. Hartman and S. Budick, Midrash and Literature (Yale University Press, 1985), 77-103

10. “Some Thoughts on Future Research into Biblical Style” Journal for the Study of the Old Testament 28 (1984), 107-117

11-13. “Ecclesiastes,” “Poetry, Biblical” and “Psalms” Harper’s Bible Dictionary (Harper and Row, 1985), 236-37; 804-06; 833-35.

14. “Topics in the History of the Spirituality of the Psalms” A. Green, The History of Jewish Spirituality (Seabury-Winston, 1986), 113-44

15. “Torah” in A. Cohen and P. Mendes-Flohr, Contemporary Jewish ReligiousThought (Scribners, 1986), 995-1005

16. “Biblical Studies and Jewish Studies” AJS Newsletter 36 (1986), 22-24

17. “On Hidden Hatred and Open Reproach: Early Exegesis of Lev. 19:17” Harvard Theological Review 80 (1987), 43-61

18. “How Should We Teach the Bible?” The Bible and the Liberal Arts (Crawfordsville, Indiana: Wabash College, 1987), 1-20

19. “The Bible’s Earliest Interpreters” Prooftexts 7 (1987), 269-83

20. “The Psalms and Wisdom,” Harper Bible Commentary (Harper and Row, 1989), 396-406

21. “Qohelet and Money” Catholic Bible Quarterly 51 (1989), 32-49

22. “The Bible in the University” W. H. Propp, B. Halpern, and D. N. Freedman, The Hebrew Bible and its Interpreters (Eisenbrauns, 1990), 143-66

23. “The Case Against Joseph,” Tz. Abusch, J. Huehnergard, and P. Steinkeller, Lingering Over Words: Studies in Ancient Near Eastern Literature in Honor of William L. Moran (Atlanta, Ga.: Scholars Press, 1990), 272-287

24. “Cain and Abel in Fact and Fable” in R. Brooks and John J. Collins, Hebrew Bible or Old Testament? (Notre Dame, Ind.: University of Notre Dame, 1989), 167-90

25. “Why Was Lamech Blind?” Hebrew Annual Review 12 (1990), 91-104

26. “Poets and Prophets” in Kugel, ed. Poetry and Prophecy (Cornell Univ. Press, 1990), 1-25

27. “David the Prophet” in Kugel, ed. Poetry and Prophecy (Cornell Univ. Press, 1990), 45-55

28, מדרשים שנעתקו ממקומם (“Midrashim That Ended Up in the Wrong Place”) (Publications of the Israel Academy of Science, 8:3), 49-61

29. “The Story of Dinah in the Testament of Levi,” Harvard Theological Review 85 (1992) 1-34
מעשה דינה בצוואת לוי in S. Japhet, המקרא בראי מפרשיו Jerusalem: Magnes, 1992), 130-40.

30.“Levi’s Elevation to the Priesthood in Second Temple Writings,” Harvard Theological Review 86 (1993), 1-64.

31. “The Jubilees Apocalypse,” Dead Sea Discoveries 1 (1994), 322-37

32. “The Ladder of Jacob,” Harvard Theological Review 88 (1995), 1-24.

33. “Reuben’s Sin with Bilhah in the Testament of Reuben” in David Wright, David Noel Freedman and Avi Hurvitz, Pomegranates and Golden Bells: Studies in Biblical, Jewish, and Near Eastern Ritual, Law, and Literature in Honor of Jacob Milgrom (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1995), 525-554.

34. “The Holiness of Israel and its Land in Second Temple Times,” Michael Fox, Texts, Temples, Traditions: Menahem Haran Festschrift (Winona Lake, Ind.: Eisenbrauns, 1996), 21-32

35. “Obscurity in Hebrew Liturgical Poetry,” Medievalia: A Journal of Medieval Studies 19 (1996) 221-238

36. “Wisdom and the Anthological Temper” Prooftexts 17 (1997), 9-32.

37. “ ‘4Q369: The Prayer of Enosh’ and Ancient Biblical Interpretation” Dead Sea Discoveries 5 (1998), 119-148

38. “Introduction,” to republication of Louis Ginzberg, The Legends of the Jews (Johns Hopkins, 1998) ix-xxix.

39. “What the Dead Sea Scrolls Do Not Tell,” Commentary vol. 106 (November 1998).

40. “Biblical Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha and the Hebrew of the Second Temple Period,” in T. Muraoka and J. F. Elwolde, Diggers at the Well: Proceedings of a Third International Symposium on the Hebrew of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Ben Sira (Leiden: Brill, 2000), 166-177.

41. “Biblical Interpretation and the Ancient Israelite Sage,” in Kugel (ed.), Studies in Ancient Midrash (Harvard University Press; 2001)1-26.

42. “Some Instances of Biblical Exegesis in Qumran Songs and Wisdom,” in Kugel (ed.), Studies in Ancient Midrash (Harvard University Press; 2001), 155-69.

43. (with Liora Ravid), “The Calendar of the Book of Jubilees: A Reexamination” (appendix to her unpublished PhD dissertation, “Issues in the Book of Jubilees” Bar Ilan University, 2002).

44. “Biblical Authority in Judaism and the Problems of an ‘Aging Text,’” in J-M. Poffet, L’autorité de l’Ecriture (Les Editions du Cerf, 2002), 139-51.

45. “Stephen’s Speech in its Exegetical Context” in Craig Evans., From Prophecy to Testament (Hendrickson, 2003), 206-18.

46. “The Scripturalization of Prayer,” Prayers That Cite Scripture (Center for Jewish Studies; Harvard University Press, , 2005), 1-5.

47. “Exegetical Notes on 4Q225,” Dead Sea Discoveries 13 (2006), 73-98.

48. “How Old is the Aramaic Levi Document?” Dead Sea Discoveries 14 (2007) 291-312

49. “Some Thoughts on John Barton’s Oracles of God,” Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 7 (2007), 12-21.

50. “Another View,” Biblical Archaeology Review 34 (2008), 68-69, 84.

51. “Some Unanticipated Consequences of the Sinai Revelation: A Religion of Laws” in G. E. Brooke, et al., Significance of Sinai: Traditions About Sinai and Divine Revelation (Leiden: Brill, 2008).

52. 469-91 ,(חטא ראובן עם בלהה בחיבור צוואת ראובן” עיוני מקרא ופרשנות ט (תשס”ט”

53. “פרשנות המקרא בקומראן” in M. Kister, The Qumran Scrolls and their World (Jerusalem: Yad ben Tzvi, 2009), 387-408.

54. “On the Interpolations in the Book of Jubilees,” Revue de Qumran 94 (2009), 215-72.

55. (Jerusalem: Yad ben Tzvi, 2010), 3-36. ספרות המקרא: מבואות ומחקרים in Ts. Talshir, “חקר המקרא לתולדותיו”

56. “?שירת המקרא – הא כיצד” in Ts. Talshir, ספרות המקרא: מבואות ומחקרים (Jerusalem: Yad ben Tzvi, 2010), 287-306.

57. “Early Jewish Biblical Interpretation,” in J. J. Collins and D. C. Harlow, The Dictionary of Early Judaism (Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 2010)

58. “Which Is Older, the Book of Jubilees or the Genesis Apocryphon?” in A. Roitman et al, The Dead Sea Scrolls and Contemporary Culture: Proceedings of the International Conference held at the Israel Museum (July 6-8, 2008) (Leiden: Brill, 2010), 257-294.

59. “One Hundred Years of the Pontifical Biblical Institute,” in Parole del Centinario della Fondazione del PIB (Rome: Gregorian and Biblical Press, 2010), 79-87.

60. “Some Translation and Copying Mistakes from the Original Hebrew of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs” in S. Metso et al, The Dead Sea Scrolls: Transmission of Traditions and Production of Texts (Leiden: Brill, 2010).

61. “Judaism: an Odd Sort of Religion-of-Laws,” Gruss Lecture, New York University Law School, 2010; available at KUGEL_ GRUSS_LECTURE

62. “Divine Epithets in the Book of Jubilees,” in Eric Mason et al. A Teacher for All Generations: Essays in Honor of James C. VanderKam (Leiden: Brill, 2012), 757-764.

63. “Jubilees, Philo, and the Problem of Genesis,” in N. David et al., The Hebrew Bible in Light of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Forschungen zur Religion und Literature des Alten und Neuen Testaments 239) (Goettingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2012), 295-311.

64. “The Sources of Torah in the Book of Jubilees,” Publications of the NYU Tikvah Center, 2010.

65. “The Beginnings of Biblical Interpretation” in M. Henze, A Companion to Biblical Interpretation in Early Judaism (Eerdmans, 2011), 3-23.

66. “The Figure of Moses in the Book of Jubilees,” Hebrew Bible and Ancient Israel vol. 1 (2012), 77-92.

67. “‘In the Beginning, God Created the Malleability’: the Final Form of the Biblical Text and Ancient Biblical Interpretation” in Mótun Menningar: Festschrift Gunnalugur A. Jónsson (Reykjavík: Icelandic Literary Society, 2012), 1-14.

68. “Early Jewish Biblical Interpretation,” in J. J. Collins et al., Early Judaism: a Comprehensive Overview (Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 2012), 151-78

69. “Wicked Angels and the Non-Origin of Evil,” in G. Anderson et al., The Call of Abraham: Essays on the Election of Israel in Honor of Jon Levenson (Notre Dame, IN: Notre Dame University Press, 2013), 210-35.

70. “Commentary on the Book of Jubilees” in L. Feldman, et al., The Outside Books: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (forthcoming: Jewish Publication Society/ University of Nebraska Press, 2013), 272-465.

71. “The Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs: a New Translation and Commentary,” in Feldman, et al., The Outside Books: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (Jewish Publication Society/ University of Nebraska Press, 2013), 1697-1856.

72. “Pseudo-Jubilees: A New Translation and Commentary,” in L Feldman, et al., The Outside Books: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (Jewish Publication Society/ University of Nebraska Press, 2013), 466-469.

73. “The Prayer of Enosh,” in L. Feldman, et al., The Outside Books: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (Jewish Publication Society/ University of Nebraska Press, 2013), 2138-2142.,

74. “The Apocrypha and Pseudepigrapha,” in L. Feldman, et al., The Outside Books: Ancient Jewish Writings Not Found in the Canon of Scripture (Jewish Publication Society/ University of Nebraska Press, 2013), 7-10.

75. “The Chosen People Have Always Been Picky,” Haaretz (English edition), Dec. 6, 2013, B6.

76. “Ancient Biblical Interpretation and the Emergence of Later Interpretive Traditions” in M. Cohen and A. Berlin, Overlapping Cultures: Early Jewish, Christian and Muslim Strategies of Reading (forthcoming).

77. “Windy and Fiery Angels: Pre-rabbinic and Rabbinic Interpretations of Ps. 104:4,” in Proceedings of the 13th Symposium of the Orion Center for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls (Hebrew University, Jerusalem; forthcoming in 2014).

78; “Is the Book of Jubilees a Commentary on Genesis or an Intended Replacement?” Vetus Testamentum Congress Volume 2013 (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming in 2014)

79. “Mastéma (le diable) est dans les détails,” Colloquium Biblicum Lovaniense 2013 (Louvain: Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, forthcoming in 2014)

80. “The Compositional History of the Book of Jubilees,” Revue de Qumran 104 (2014).

81. “The Man Who Mistook His Tefillin for a Hat,” in Benjamin Blech, Sanctification (New York, NY: New Paradigm Matrix, forthcoming in 2014/15)

82. “Simeon and Levi’s Attack on Shechem, or: The Mystery of Ms. C of the Testaments of the Twelve Patriarchs,” FS John J. Collins (forthcoming)

83. “With a Little Help from the Rabbis,” in M. Bar Asher Siegal et al., FS Steven Fraade (forthcoming).
84. “‘I am the Man’: the Afterlife of a Biblical Verse in Second Temple Times,” in H. Najman and K. Schmid, Jeremiah’s Scriptures (Leiden: Brill, forthcoming)

85. “The Divine Long-Range Planner and Second Temple Wisdom,” in J.-S. Rey et al., Rethinking the Boundaries of Sapiential Traditions in Ancient Judaism (Third International Symposium on Jewish and Christian Literature from the Hellenistic and Roman Period) (forthcoming)


1. “Remembering the Holocaust” (T. DesPres, The Survivor), Harper’s Bookletter (March, 1976)

2. “Our Very Own Bluebloods” (S. Birmingham, The Grandees), Midstream (Sept. 1971)

3. Pottery, Poetry and Prophecy (D. N. Freedman), The Biblical Archæology Review (Spring, 1981)

4. “Avot Yeshurun in English,” (A. Yeshurun, The Syrian-African Rift, tr. Harold Schimmel) Prooftexts I (1981), 326-31

5. “Journey into a Vast Landscape” (T. Carmi, The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse) The Nation (June 27, 1981) 28-35

6. “The Book of the Honeycomb’s Flow” (M. Leon, Nofet Sufim, tr. I. Rabinowitz) The Journal of Biblical Literature 105 (1986), 356-57

7. Antithetic Structure in Biblical Hebrew Poetry (J. Krasovec) The Journal of Biblical Literature 105 (1986), 704-5

8. “A Feeling of Déjà Lu” (R. Alter, The Art of Biblical Poetry) The Journal of Religion 67 (1987), 66-79

9. “‘Whose Bible Is It?’ God Speaks, Man Translates” (J. Pelikan, Whose Bible Is It?), New York Times Book Review, March 28, 2005.

James Kugel